Animal feed to get GM labelling

27 October 1999

Animal feed to get GM labelling

NICK Brown, the agriculture minister, has authorised the introduction of labelling for animal feeds which would say whether it contained genetically modified (GM) ingredients.

He said he favoured three levels of labels on feed. A “strong” label such as “GM-free” would identify feed that had passed a tough regulatory test

A weaker label such as “non-GM”, would allow for a level of accidental contamination; and a “GM-positive” label would be used if such ingredients were present.

A labelling manufacturer in the Financial Times urges the EU to take the opportunity of the current controversy over GM labelling to impose global standards on the industry.

In The Guardian, a contributor comments critically on planned European Union legislation announced last week which he says “threatens to undermine the rights of consumers” who wish to avoid GM food.

Under this legislation, retailers and caterers will not be obliged to label ingredients that contain up to 1% GM material, if they believe that the ingredients originate from a non-GM source.

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