Archive Article: 1997/11/08
• never re-use pesticide containers for any purpose except to contain an identical pesticide
• clean packs thoroughly before disposal by rinsing or as otherwise indicated on the label
• always puncture or crush empty containers
• store securely pending disposal
• bury containers where there is no risk of groundwater pollution, under at least 0.8m of soil, below the level of any land drains
• burial site must be recorded and marked
• burning is subject to national clean air legislation and local authoritys environmental health department
• burn in an open space at least 15m from any public highway and where smoke will not drift over houses, roads, livestock or business buildings
• containers must be open, and placed on a very hot fire a few at a time
• constant supervision is required
• extinguish fire before leaving
Other disposal
• contact the waste disposal department of your local authority for details of reputable specialist disposal contractors
More help
Ask your local MAFF office for a copy of: Pesticides: Code of practice for the safe use of pesticides on farms and holdings. A new edition is expected shortly