Archive Article: 1997/11/28
GRASS is still growing at 10-15kg/ ha DM a day, writes New Zealand consultant Paul Bird, working for the British Grassland Society.
Some are achieving rates nearer 20kg/ha a day because they have high quality grazing that received nitrogen in September/October.
Most animals are now in day and night, mainly due to wet soil, falling grass cover, and poor access to grass. Those producers with better access achieved at least one month extra grazing this autumn, and will be planning for an early turnout.
Average grass covers should be about 1700 to 1900kg DM/ha.
Most poaching damage occurs when rain is falling, so some farmers may wish to wait for a few days without rain, until grazing again. Dry stock which are grazing on heavy soils must be shifted on to a new area of grazing every day to minimise poaching damage.
lThis will be the last Grass Watch article until next year. *