Archive Article: 2001/02/09
INCLUDING maize in heifer and pre-calving, as well as lactation diets, brings nutrition and health benefits to one 190-cow Shropshire herd.
In 1999, Richard Tomlinson of Burleydam Farm, Whitchurch, Shropshire, had 160 Holstein cows on a straw-based system. However, recent cubicle installation and housing of some stock in buildings previously used to store straw has facilitated expansion of the autumn-calving herd to 190 cows.
Last year Mr Tomlinson grew 23ha (57 acres) of maize but this year, area will be increased by about 4ha (10 acres). "We applied 20t/acre of manure to maize ground in autumn then ploughed in after frost to create a fine tilth before sowing. We have tried under-sowing grass but prefer to follow maize with a winter wheat crop so there is no major soil erosion during winter."
A 60:40 ratio of maize to grass silage is fed as part of a total mixed ration which also contains rape, soya, home-grown beans, citrus pulp, lactose and chopped straw to add fibre. Total diet cost/cow, including compound, is £2.08/head a day for high yielders.
"Annual yield is about 7500 litres, but yield from forage has been down slightly this year as we have focused on improving fertility," said Mr Tomlinson.
As well as milking diets, maize is also fed as part of a total mixed ration to heifers and pre-calvers. "Including maize in pre-calver diets means fewer displaced abomasums and less ketosis and milk fever," explains Mr Tomlinson.
Judges were impressed by Mr Tomlinsons maize clamp. "It is generally an excellent clamp and although no additive was used, there is no waste on top. However, there is some shoulder waste," said MGA judge John Morgan.
"Silage is well chopped, tyres are close together and vermin control is good with nets over the clamp and ventilation vents in cow sheds which keeps feed clean," added Brian Metcalfe.
Silage in Richard Tomlinsons (inset) clamp is well chopped and careful netting means birds are kept at bay to keep feed free from contamination.
John Morgan – MGA.
Brian Metcalf – producer.
Marianne Curtis – FW.
Results of the Maize Growers Association Milk and Meat from Maize Silage Competition will be announced at its annual conference on Feb 14 and in FW on Feb 16.