Archive Article: 2002/07/19

19 July 2002

The trailed Stubble Buster from Farm Force uses three rows of large spring tines that lift and turn the soil. A row of paddle tines then levels the soil in front of the single row of press rings. For headland turning, the implement is tilted onto the press rings rather than the transport wheels to prevent compaction.

Annoyed at the inconvenience of picking up punctures? Air-Products says its new tyre sealant can reduce the risk of punctures by 90% when penetration is no more than 30mm. Supplied in a 20 litre container, the sealant is pumped inside the tyre through the air valve where it clings to the inner casing and bead. The sealant spreads evenly inside the tyre as the wheel rotates, eventually covering all of the inner casing and bead. Price for a 20 litre container is £192.

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