Beet yields are looking good
Beet yields are looking good
HIGH sugar beet yields are being maintained across the UK. "Many growers are reporting yields over 50t/ha," says British Sugars Peter Williams. Sugar content climbed to average 18% on liftings last Monday. Dirt tares are running at a low 3-4%, and top tares are 6.5-8%, as last year.
Harvest losses have been low, averaging 2.7t/ha nationally, says BSs Stephen Brown. "They have ranged from 0.6t/ha – which is quite remarkable – to 4.6t/ha. Half the tests were conducted before the rain, so considering the conditions, people have been doing very well." Root breakage has been the main cause of loss, though that will ease in softer soils.
• British Sugar and The East of England Agricultural Society are to stage a big sugar beet harvesting demonstration in 1998. The event, set for Oct 21, will be held in conjunction with Aubourn Farming on the Nevile Estate near Lincoln, site of Cereals 96.n