Better harvest since moving into spring barley

28 August 2001

Better harvest since moving into spring barley

IAN JACKSON, form Bowsden near Berwick in the Borders, is having a better spring barley harvest after disappointing oilseed rape and winter barley yields.

He combined 16ha (40 acres) of Decanter yesterday, which has made malting standard at 1.52% nitrogen and 6.5% screenings. “Im quite happy with it. It has yielded 2.9t/acre (7.2t/ha) and came off at 17% moisture.”

He also has high hopes for wheat, which he expects to be into at the end of the weekend. He is growing Malacca and Shamrock for milling and also Consort and Claire.

The farm received about an inch of rain last weekend, which slowed harvest. But he does not think the crops came to any harm.

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