Cattle and sheep
Cattle and sheep
lead increase in entries
ENTRIES from Shetland to the south of England have swelled total numbers to a record 1243 for the Scottish National Winter Fair. The biggest increases are for cattle and sheep, and roots and pigs show the only decreases.
The entries, with last years in brackets, are:
Beef cattle – Purebred native breeds 71 (40), pure Continentals 32 (17), crossbreds 125 (108), pairs 10 (2), butchers cattle 37 (21), young farmers cattle 14 (9).
Sheep – Blackface 36 (35), North Country Cheviot 21 (15), South Country Cheviot 13 (10), Half-bred 6 (4); crosses 14 (8), other breeds 87 (61), young farmers sheep 9 (5).
Horses – Clydesdale 49 (37), Highland ponies 56 (55), Shetland ponies 34 (33).
Pigs – Pure and crossbred 46 (50).
Roots, grain and silage – potatoes 9 (9). Swedes, turnips, mangolds 22 (33). Grain 26 (22). Silage 23 (21).