Cattle pay-out

12 November 1999

Cattle pay-out

CATTLE farmers can now claim for Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances for 2000, says MAFF.

This follows confirmation by Brussels that payments can be made on the traditional headage basis. It has postponed the proposed area-based scheme until 2001.

Rates are as last year. Cows in disadvantaged areas attract £36.69/head, those in severely disadvantaged areas twice that. A claim form has been sent to each farmer who claimed last year.

Main changes to note, says MAFF, are:

&#8226 The retention period for claimed animals has been reduced, ending at midnight three months after a valid claim has been lodged.

&#8226 Aid will be payable on eligible in-calf heifers which have replaced cows claimed under the 1999 suckler cow premium scheme.

Closing date for applications is Mon, Dec 6. Late claims will be accepted up to Dec 31, but penalties will apply, says MAFF.

Forms to claim sheep annual premium and HLCAs will be issued later this month. The latter is worth £4.09/ewe in disadvantaged areas.

In severely disadvantaged areas the level rises to £4.64, though producers with hardy breeds will receive £8.88/head. &#42

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