Crofters wary of early subsidy

08 September 1998

Crofters wary of early subsidy

SCOTTISH Crofters Union leaders are worried that the promise of early payment of subsidies to the countrys farmers could be perceived as additional money to the industry.

“What is paid now will not be available later,” the SCU said in response to the announcement last week by Secretary of State Donald Dewar that payments would be advanced.

However, crofters would welcome any easing of bank charges on the industry – that would put at least some purchasers in a better position when buying buy store lambs and weaned calves.

John MacKintosh, SCU president, added that while the union agreed with much of the Governments plan for land reform and rural development, there was a short-term crisis that had to be addressed if the remote communities were even to exist.

  • Dewar agrees early arable aid payment, FWi, 4 September, 1998

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