Crops magazine – 07 October, 2000

11 October 2000

Crops magazine – 07 October, 2000



The risks:
Less yield – anything from 0.5-2t/ha for late autumn sowings. Wheat-bulb fly can also be a threat

The benefits:
They cost less to grow – by about 30/ha. And theres the incidental benefit of what a late start can mean to the preceding crop; if youre following beet, you may earn more by letting sugars bulk up instead of lifting

Mainstream barn-fillers do well in mid-November. Milling varieties for the late-drilled slot include Charger, Malacca and Shiraz. If drilling is delayed beyond Christmas, consider a switch to true spring wheats

Drilling date:
Dont be hung up on date. Target the right soil conditions instead

Watch seed rate. Aim for 300 plants/m2. Go early with spring nitrogen. If using a true spring wheat as autumn-sown, check that autumn herbicide sprays have approval for spring wheat use



Delay can pay
Last but not least. Late-drilled wheat can be just as profitable (see left)

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