Denmark approves GM maize
27 August 1997
Denmark approves GM maize
By FWi staff
LIFE sciences group Novartis, which makes the controversial genetically-modified (GM) Novartis Bt corn, has been given approval to sell the product in Denmark.
Novartis Bt corn, with built-in resistance to the European corn borer, can now be imported into Denmark and used in the production of food and animal fodder.
A Novartis spokesman said the decision by the Danish Veterinary and Feed Bureau basically rubber-stamps the EU decision allowing the widespread use of Novartis Bt corn throughout Europe.
He said both Denmark and the Netherlands anticipated the introduction of GM foods, and introduced legislation stating any EU ruling would also have to meet their national requirements.
When the EU made its decision on GM maize and soya in December last year, the Netherlands automatically accepted it, whereas Danish law stipulated that the decision had to be ratified at national level.
Italy, Luxembourg and Austria have opposed the introduction of GM maize and soya, which has brought them into conflict with the EU ruling. Austria, which has declared an import ban on Novartis Bt corn, is still arguing its case through European Courts.