New CFE training module launched

A new online training module that agricultural advisers can use to improve their knowledge of the Campaign for the Farmed Environment (CFE) has been launched today.
Agricultural advisers, land agents and agronomists are being encouraged to use the training module as part of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) chief executive David Caffall said: “The online training module has been developed to refresh advisers’ knowledge of the CFE elements of resource protection, farmland birds and wildlife to allow them to continue this good work.”
There are four sections to the online training each ending with five multiple-choice questions. Users are expected to take 20-30min in total to complete the training.
Mike Warner, chairman of the Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC), had a trial run before its launch.
“This module is a valuable tool in equipping today’s agricultural advisers with the knowledge to advise their clients on supporting the campaign and managing the environment alongside their farm business,” he said.
“Although the answers are hidden in the text beforehand, the questions are challenging enough to relate back to the field and day-to-day situations.”
BASIS qualified advisers can gain four points by completing the training. Advisers can access the online training module via the CFE website