EU wheat refund at zero: HGCA
Tuesday, 01 May, 2001
LAST Thursday (26 April), the EU granted free-market refunds of zero value for 85,000 tonnes of wheat.
MATIF May wheat firmed over the week, rising .50 to 121/t Friday on new-crop concerns across the EU.
France and the UK have had particularly heavy rainfall. Coceral estimates 2001 EU wheat production at 88.7m tonnes, 7% down from 95.5m in 2000.
Some 14,000 tonnes of free market barley at zero were also granted but intervention barley was rejected.
Further tranches of reduced levy maize were agreed of 175,000 and 45,500 for Spain and Portugal.
INTEREST rates were left unchanged at 4.75% on Thursday (26 April).
There has been strong international pressure for the ECB to reduce interest rates amid fears of a global economic slowdown. Latest IMF figures show weak growth for the
USA, Japan and EU.
Taken from HGCA weekly MI Bulletin To contact the HGCA phone 020 7520 3972 Click here to visit the Home-Grown Cereals Authority |