Expansion for Moisturenet scheme

20 June 1997

Expansion for Moisturenet scheme

MOISTURENET, the national moisture meter scheme set up by Sinar Technology last year to standardise calibrations, has been so successful it is to be expanded later this year.

"Moisturenet provides a network so calibrations are digitally communicated between central laboratory and consumer, meaning instru-ments are all calibrated to the same standard," explains Sinars Jason Webb. That helps avoid conflict where different labs give different moisture content results for the same bulk of grain.

Last year every user of a Sinar laboratory moisture meter participated. "This means a universal calibration is used by all operators of the machine throughout the country, which can only result in less variation between readings," says Mr Webb.

"This year we want to extend Moisturenet further down the line to farmers. Growers signing up to the scheme will be sent samples of rape, wheat and barley, from a central laboratory, to check against their own moisture meters.

If readings differ recalibration can be eased by transferring the Moist-urenet calibration down a phone line to the farmers moisture meter, provided the moisture meter can link into an acoustic modem. &#42

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