Generic ads a success in US

25 April 1997

Generic ads a success in US

GENERIC promotion pays dividends. That was the message to milk producers attending a recent conference organised by The Milk Group.

US embassy economist, Richard Ali, told delegates that US Department of Agriculture research showed that every $1 spent on promotion generated nearly $5 of sales. As such, generic advertising had increased milk and cheese sales in the US by 4% and 2% between 1985 and 1995.

NFU deputy president Ben Gill supported calls for generic promotion, but thought it would be "wildly optimistic" to expect a repeat of the US experience.

Work in the meat sector – particularly the recent Minced Beef Assurance campaign – showed the value of promotion, said Mr Gill. "But campaigns have to be highly targeted. You have to give the consumer a message, not banalities."

And its not just about looking for increased sales – its about maximising dairy product values, he added.

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