Government will consider Welsh lamb freezer

20 November 1998

Government ‘will consider Welsh lamb freezer’

THE Government has pledged to consider the value of installing a large-scale freezing facility for lamb in Wales.

The promise was made in the Governments response to the cross-party Welsh Affairs committee report, which said a freezer was needed to take lamb off the market at times of surplus production.

The Government will now work with the industry-led lamb and beef working groups to take the matter further.

The reports call for the new Welsh Development Agency to take a big role in helping farmers market produce was given strong approval.

The Government and the WDA will encourage the industry working groups for the lamb, beef, dairy and organic sectors to consider how the groups could work together to promote Welsh food.

It also added that Government funds would be provided to the WDA for food-related activities. And that the WDA would have a designated food team, headed by a food director. In particular, the Government agreed to consider how best to target the manufacturing and catering sectors.

The Government also gave its wholehearted approval to the reports call for the Welsh food industry to maximise its organic potential. An action plan for organic food production and processing is planned.

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