Home-grown soya in great demand

2 February 2001

Home-grown soya in great demand

By FWi staff

DEMAND for home-grown soya has rocketed following decisions by leading supermarkets to increase non-GM fed ranges, says Hampsire-based Soya UK.

The food industry is kicking down the door to get this stuff, says managing director David McNaughton.

The surge of interest follows announcements by Asda and Marks & Spencer and Tesco to increase ranges of pork and chicken fed on non-GM rations.

Other supermarkets are expected to follow suit, and may not stop at chicken and pork, says Mr McNaughton.

Seed of the firms main variety, Kievskaya 98, is still available, perhaps because nearly all domestic soya suffered badly from the weather last summer.

Last year soya was the buzz crop. It hasnt died, but it has taken a dent from what was a pig of a year, he concedes.

However, Kievskaya 98 is earlier and higher yielding than any other currently available variety and topped NIAB yield trials.

Seed is 125/ha (50/acre) for commercial crops, 150/ha (61/ha) for seed crops, and only available on buy-back contract.

About half the 800ha (2000 acres) available will be dedicated to seed production, and identity preserved suppliers.

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