uGRANTS for energy saving lighting controls are being offered to farmers until the end of March. The 50% aid from the Energy Saving Trust covers equipment and installation up to a value of £3000. "Energy efficiency is now a key component of many assurance schemes and growers need to consider all of the ways they can cut energy use," says Chris Plackett of the Farm Energy Centre, the schemes promoters. Further information from the FEC (01203-696512).
uFRAMLINGHAM Farmers has issued an £81,000 rebate to its members on marketing and purchasing fees for 1997-98, an average of £184 a member. The move follows a 33% rise in the pool marketing of combinable crops (to 120,000t) and a 10% rise in the area using inputs sold by the co-op (to 65,000ha) during the year. A further tonnage increase for the coming harvest has triggered a 5% reduction in marketing fees. These now stand at £1.80/t, and include credit insurance, sampling fees and lab analysis. *