4 June 1999


&#8226 CROP management software designed to help arable and vegetable farmers is now on offer from Suffolk firm Agripro, which claims to have software in use on farms accounting for more than 800,000ha (2m acres) already. Agripro Elite 2000 includes guidance to support new users and facilities for experienced software users to tailor the system to their own needs, says Ipswich-based company Nedging.

&#8226 THE Scottish Agricultural College has streamlined its crop health service to provide plant analysis results within two working days of receipt of samples. Interpretation and advice is to be delivered through local advisers.

&#8226 TOM Dixon, technical director of Beeson Group, has been awarded the Haigh Trophy by the National Association of Seed Potato Merchants. Previously with NIAB, the occasional award recognises his outstanding contribution to the potato industry, says NASPM president Ron Reiss.

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