22 October 1999


&#8226 A FOURTH eastern Arable Research Centres trials site concentrating on wheat growing is opening at Brockley Green, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. First field day for members is next month.

&#8226 YORKS-BASED FW Farmer Focus writer and former police officer Kevin Littleboy has joined the advisory committee of British Cereal Exports.

&#8226 CANADIAN scientists believe that natural compounds giving fruit its smell and taste could be concentrated to act as fungicides, according to a report in the Toronto Globe and Mail.

&#8226 GOOD resistance to septoria and yellow rust in untreated trials and reasonable tolerance to take-all suggest Recommended List winter wheat candidate Napier will be a good choice as a second wheat, according to breeder PBIC.

&#8226 DURSBAN 4, the chlorpyriphos-based organophosphate insecticide from Dow, can once again be used on Brussels sprouts for cabbage root fly control. The use was temporarily withdrawn under EU maximum residue limit legislation.

Pest attack at stem bases can cause direct economic damage through reduced nutrient uptake as well as providing an entry point for pathogens such as clubroot and soft rot, Dows James Knight warns.

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