30 June 2000


&#8226 MORE than 80% of visitors to last years Great Yorkshire Show said their main source of income was unrelated to farming or forestry. That makes the event a significant opportunity to communicate the best of British farming and food production to the public, believes the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. This year, the public will again be invited to take part in a Housewives Choice judging competition of beef cattle organised in conjunction with the National Beef Association. Attendance at last years show reached 122,500.

&#8226 THE Yorkshire Agricultural Society will mark its half century on the Harrogate site with a pageant each show day on the theme of "Reaping the Past and Sowing the Future". Show director Christopher Hall says: "There has been more change in agriculture in the time we have been here than in the previous 1000 years." To mark the path of progress, there will be a demonstration of horse-drawn equipment used in haymaking through to the modern farm equipment. At the show on Wednesday July 12, the Arch bishop of York, the Rev David Hope will conduct the ceremony of Blessing the Plough.

&#8226 A GIANT screen will be erected alongside the main ring for the second year running to show highlights of the action. Those unable to visit the event will be able to keep in touch by viewing photographs on the societys internet web-site which can be found at

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