8 June 2001


&#8226 THE Advertising Standards Authority has upheld five complaints about an advertisement for a fertiliser aimed at grassland farmers. The ASA ruled that John Hatcher and Co Ltd had not adequately substantiated its claims that the fertiliser Fibrophos would produce "grass bursting with nutrition". It also said there was also no evidence to suggest that use of the product would "keep your grazing stock healthy and more productive".

&#8226 THE Countryside Council for Wales expects Tir Gofal, the agri-environment scheme for Welsh farmers, to bring about greater benefits to the environment than first expected. A year into the scheme the CCW says the signs are very exciting. "A picture is beginning to emerge of Tir Gofals great potential to conserve wildlife and landscapes," said chief executive Paul Loveluck.

&#8226 HARPER Adams University College is planning an evening conference aimed at small and medium-sized food businesses which will review key technical and marketing issues facing producers. The event will take place on July 5 at the college near Newport, Shropshire. &#42

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