7 September 2001


&#8226 SIX of the nine new winter barleys recently accepted for Recom-mended List trials have BaYMV resistance. They include New Farm Crops six-row variety Sequel, which is said to have grain quality at least as good as most two-rows.

Other newcomers with BaYMV resistance include a coded variety and Kestrel from Advanta, Parasol from PBIC Monsanto, Saaten-Unions Clara and another coded variety from Nickerson.

&#8226 UNTREATED farm-saved seed or that given the wrong treatment is being blamed for a rise in the incidence of loose smut in Scotland.

NIAB recommends that home-saved seed should be tested and treated if loose smut is found.

Treatment with Raxil S (tebuconazole + triazoxide) costs only £7/ha (£2.80/acre) based on a seed rate of 150kg/ha, says Bayers Sean McGill. "This will stop loose smut going out of control." &#42

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