Just as good as Sting CT

22 August 1997

Just as good as Sting CT

CAN Sting CT be outstung? According to independent trials the glyphosate-based stubble cleaner certainly can be improved upon, offering growers scope to save money this season.

Independent studies show that adding cationic tallow amine surfactant Hyspray to reduced rates of Roundup Biactive can give better control of blackgrass, volunteer rape and wheat than label rates of Sting CT, says Steve Wilson, technical manager for manufacturer Fine Agrochemicals.

"Using Roundup Biactive + Hyspray at half the label rate for Sting CT will give more effective control in every instance. Indeed, there are cases, such as volunteer rape control, where a quarter rate of Biactive plus Hyspray will match the full label rate of Sting CT." Rainfastness is not compromised, he adds.

However, Colin Stride of Roundup maker Monsanto stands by Sting CTs label. "Using label rates means the necessary adjuvant level is available to meet the label claims and registration efficacy requirements." &#42

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