Kirkby Thore
Kirkby Thore
tops 3100gns
TOP price was 3100gns at the Winter Consignment sale at Kirkby Thore, Penrith, where 90 lots from eight herds changed hands. Leading bid came from local buyers A R and M E Dixon for R A and C R Lewis and Sons Werthyr Jed Jazz, a 10-month-old Juniper Rotate Jed daughter out of Cottonfarm Counselor Jazz.
Biggest consignor was Gaston Wallace who shipped 34 head from his Printshop herd in Co Antrim. His best was 2300gns for the calved-heifer Printshop Bellwood Katlin 3rd bred out of an Oak Ridges dam by Starbuck. Buyers were Messrs Mawson of Seascale, West Cumbria.
The next lot through the ring was from the same family. The fresh second-calver Printshop Prelude Katlin was claimed at 2250gns by Robert Emerson for his locally-based Grangehill herd.
AVERAGES: Grosvenor (24) £1421; Printshop (30) £1124; Barbican (3) £1232; Werthyr (1) £3255; Wychall (9) £1307; Dalesend (9) £1307; Barlees (1) £735 and Terling (19) £1024. (Norton and Brooksbank)n