16 August 2002


Your countryside needs you. Never before has it been so important for everyone in rural Britain to unite behind a single issue.

Theres no better place to make that voice heard than at the March for Liberty and Livelihood in London on Sept 22. Its a vital opportunity to make government and key opinion formers aware of the plight and poverty facing farming and all rural businesses.

Contrary to what some politicians would like Britain to believe, this day is not just about hunting.

At its heart is a demand government helps, rather than hinders, countryside liberties and livelihoods. For too long government politicians have ridden roughshod over rural interests. Whether its their refusal to allow farmers and landowners to make up their own minds about hunting, or the catalogue of calamities that they have done little to address in the farming community, its time rural people found a voice.

The Countryside Alliance aims to mobilise a minority. A minority who make a major contribution to not only the national economy, but also to the beauty, profitability and sustainability of the great British countryside.

Perhaps youre worried about urban politicians banning hunting with hounds and fear fishing and shooting will be their next target. Perhaps youre still angry about the governments refusal to grant a public inquiry to get at the truth behind last years foot-and-mouth outbreak. Perhaps you just want politicians to leave you in peace to do the job you do best – the complicated business of farming.

Whatever your reason, if your future lies in farming, food and the countryside, make sure you join the Countryside March on Sept 22 to protect liberties and livelihoods. For the sake of our countryside and all those who work and relax in it, see you there.

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