More studies – National Trust

28 November 1997

More studies – National Trust

FURTHER scientific research on the effect of hunting with hounds is needed before a ban is imposed, according to one of the countrys leading landowners.

The National Trust, which last voted on the hunting of foxes, hares and mink with hounds in 1990, believes there is insufficient research into the potential impact of a general ban on hunting.

The 1990 vote saw members support a ban on deer-hunting on National Trust land, but banning fox-hunting was rejected.

In a statement to FW, the Trust said it would abide by parliaments decision.

"As a landowner, the Trust believes that it has a duty to conserve the land in its care. Should parliament agree to prohibit hunting mammals with dogs, then the Trust will do what it can to ensure that any negative considerations for animals and habitats for which it has responsibility are minimised."

, and will work with others to help people directly affected."

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