Morleys triple tie-up…

19 February 1999

Morleys triple tie-up…

MORLEY Research Centre has joined forces with Norfolks Easton College and the John Innes Foundation. The partnership makes more land available for Morleys research and farming enterprises and provides formal links to their science and education.

"We have worked closely with both organisations for a number of years. This move extends our farming activities by 80% and will enable us to conduct trials across a greater range of soil types. That means we can introduce new crops while spreading fixed costs to increase efficiency," says Morley director Jim Orson.

Staff will be involved with teaching at the college, which should improve member contact and supply of information

The College farm, plus Seamere farm and John Innes Foundations Bawburgh farm take the total area managed by Morley to 668ha (1652), including potato land with irrigation for the first time. "Potato trials are planned for the future," concludes Mr Orson.

&#8226 A substantial increase in beet area has prompted Morley farm manager Andrew Thurston to use Advantage treated seed for the first time. "We will have to get on early in March so 25% of our seed is Advantage treated to try to get the crop going."

However, work at Morley has yet to show yield benefits from the treatment, he adds.

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