Most wool clip sold in 2001

5 July 2002

Most wool clip sold in 2001

ALMOST 90% of wool for sale during the 2001 trading season, which ended at the beginning of June, was sold for an average price of 69.38p/kg, says the British Wool Marketing Board.

Of the total 36.7m kg clip, only 3.7m kg remains and, according to the board, there should be little problem in shifting it apart from 0.5m kg of Grey Swaledale for which there is limited demand due to its inability to accept dye.

Although the organisation would usually aim to clear a clip within its season of production, managing director Ian Hartley said, considering the circumstances, this was a good result. "Our sales were affected not only by loss of manufacturing confidence following Sept 11 but also by the effects of foot-and-mouth."

The current selling season is "not looking too bad" said a spokeswoman. So far average prices are up 2.5% on last year which she put down to the weakening of sterling and lower global wool production. &#42

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