New variety Option does well

22 August 2001

New variety Option does well

NEW wheat variety Option has done very well for Adrian Howell, who is manager for the Proctor Brothers at Long Sutton in South Lincolnshire. He says they have combined 60% of the winter wheat crop.

Option grown for seed yielded between 10.3-12.4t/ha (4.5-5t/acre), after root crop on lighter soil. The specific weight was 78kg/hl. “Im very pleased indeed. They said it would yield better on lighter land and it has done.

Claire has yielded 11t/ha (4.45t/acre) for seed on heavier silt land. Some more yielded 9t/ha (3.6t/acre), where there has been slug damage after oilseed rape. “We budget for 9.75t/ha (3.9t/acre).”

Eagle peas for human consumption have yielded 4.9t/ha (2t/acre).

Rain stopped combining on Saturday (18 August) and they started again on Tuesday evening at 16% moisture. He says most farmers have done significant amounts of wheat in the area, with some small farmers finished already.

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