No debate on
No debate on
Krebs report
LEADER of the House of Commons, Ann Taylor, has told MPs there is no prospect of a parliamentary debate on the implications of the Krebs report on bovine TB.
Labour MP David Drew (Stroud) requested the debate, adding: "There is a growing awareness that some of the reports recommendations may not be practicable, and an examination of this growing problem – which is probably second only to BSE – is long overdue."
But Mrs Taylor insisted that the Krebs committee had recommended "a package of measures which, taken together, provide a coherent basis for moving forward". She said government had consulted on the report to find the best way of implementing the measures.
Once ministers had considered the responses to the consultation, MPs would be informed of the decisions. "But I am afraid that I do not think that it will be possible to have a debate along the lines that my hon. friend (Mr Drew) suggests," said Mrs Taylor. *