No one wants to know the truth
No one wants to know the truth
Mr Stevens (Letters, July 10) is mistaken if he thinks anyone is interested in an authentic account of the Land Girls.
Some years ago I wrote a highly researched, factual account of the functions and activities of the Land Armies of the First and Second World Wars. It took several years to write, was entitled Women on The Land, and included first-hand reminiscences from both Land Girls and Timber Corps members.
Alas, despite a kindly review in farmers weekly, my book was not a best seller.
The recent novel by Angela Huth, however, has outsold her other novels and has now been made into a film. The novel deals with the sexual exploits of a farmers son with their three Land Girls and has, obviously, little to do with agricultural pursuits (well, fairly little anyway).
As Jean Procter herself told me after she had read the novel: "Honestly, all that sex! We never had the energy or the time for it where I worked!"
My publishers editor went to enormous lengths to remove all traces of sex from my book, and it is going to be a long time before I forgive him!
Carol Twinch
Hill Farm, Rendham, Saxmundham, Suffolk.