Pig AI up by 17%

1 August 1997

Pig AI up by 17%

MORE than half of all pig services on farm include some use of AI, a 17% rise on last year, according to the newly published PIC Pig Management Yearbook*.

Numbers receiving AI only are also up, at 26% of all services.

The book also points to the rise in producers buying weaner gilts as replacements. This trend is fuelled by the extra 6% pigs reared a sow when replacements are bought as weaner rather than maiden gilts.

Also highlighted is that performance has improved on outdoor units, which are now, on average, only 0.62 pigs born a litter and 1.14 pigs reared a sow a year behind indoor production; and that total cost a kg liveweight gain is 16p lower for the top 10% producers.

*The 1997 PIC Pig Manage-ment Yearbook, including analyses of 1996 recorded data on over 700 units which use Pigtales or Easicare recording systems, is priced £12.50, inc postage, from PIC UK on 01262-488181. &#42

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