Pleasing progress as harvest finishes
20 August 2001
Pleasing progress as harvest finishes
MARTIN BOULDEN has 16ha (40 acres) left from 400ha (1000 acres) of winter wheat. Yields are pleasing and early harvested Malacca has already been sold, “it was full spec, no problems!”
He is currently combining Hereward on the farm at Aldington near Ashford in Kent. This has yielded close to the farm average, between 8.6-10t/ha (3.5-4t/acre). “We combined a field on Saturday yielding over 4t/acre (10t/ha).”
The 16ha (40 acres) left was drilled in February, while most of the crop was drilled September. Although they were stopped for a week due to rain, he is not too worried about the quality of the crops.
He has also combined some peas. Nitouche yielded 3t/ha (1.25t/acre). “This is the first time for a while we have grown peas. Considering they were drilled in April they are not too bad.”
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