Pleasing wheat yields
6 September 2001
Pleasing wheat yields
NEIL ARMSTRONG, who farms near Berwick-upon-Tweed, has had pleasing wheat yields. However, he has been frustrated by the weather, "It’s been unsettled and disappointing for harvesting. We’ve struggled to get any wheat lower than 18%, but we’re not as late as last year."
He has combined about 60% of his wheat area. Second wheat Malacca has yielded 8t/ha (3.2t/acre). "The protein is between 12.5-14% and the Hagbergs are over 250. We got them all in before the weather spoiled them.
"Since then we’ve been chewing through the first wheat." Equinox and Consort have both yielded 10t/ha (4t/acre), both for feed.
They had one field of Optic spring barley, which yielded 5.4t/ha (2.2t/acre). "This is about average for us or maybe below, but the quality is good. Also the price is poor for it and the maltsters are not buying much."
Spring beans on the farm should be ready in two weeks.
"There seems to be a huge demand for straw, which must be in short supply. We’ve got quite a bit of straw."
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