Protect linseed

28 November 1997

Protect linseed

with trifluralin

HERBICIDE damage to winter linseed can be minimised by applying low doses of trifluralin before drilling to control broad-leaved weeds. Safer chemistry can then be used to tidy up in the spring.

Work at ADAS Bridgets shows 1 litre/ha of Treflan, just over half rate, applied pre-emergence but not incorporated was the safest bet. Adding a half rate of linuron boosts chickweed control and Ally can be applied as needed in the spring.

Incorporating the same rate of trifluralin pre-emergence reduced plant numbers by almost a third. Autumn post-emergence treatments of trifluralin and other products approved for oilseed rape and therefore legal on winter linseed either performed poorly or damaged crops severely.

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