Quality held up well until now

3 September 2001

Quality held up well until now

MARTIN PARRY, of Centaur Grain says quality of crops has held up during harvest despite interruptions from the weather, but now crops may start to deteriorate.

He says spring barley is 90% done. “It is variable. In the last two days weve seen samples with nitrogen above 2%. This is not surprising as many were planted late by farmers who grew them as they could not grow winter wheat and are not professional spring barley growers.”

The quality of winter wheat is now starting to fall, but the crop is virtually finished. “There has been a significant reduction in Hagberg of soft wheat. Claire is down to 120 whereas previously it was 150-200. The samples are not visibly as pleasing.”

Overall he thinks the Hagberg has held on well in view of the weather. “The bushel and proteins are lower than average, and so is the quality, but most of the samples are useable.”

Farmers have cut significant areas of combinable beans, but quality remains unsure. “Ive seen one sample with Bruchid Beetle problems, with its distinctive holes.”

Farmers with beans have had more trouble with the very dry conditions. “Farmers have been combining at 7am when its damp to avoid pod-shatter.”

He comments on the wheat harvest in the Midlands being of good quality. “The grain matured later and weve been pleasantly surprised around Warwickshire and Northants.”

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