R&D bears brunt of agchem slump

23 May 2001

R&D bears brunt of agchem slump

By Andrew Blake

RESEARCH and development in the UK pesticide industry has been hit by a slump in the sector, according to a new study.

Figures issued by agrochem manufacturers and distributors group the Crop Protection Association show a 14% fall manufacturers staff numbers in 2000.

“It is sad because a lot of the losses were in the R&D sector, in which the UK has done very well as innovators,” says the CPAs Martin Savage.

Bad weather is largely blamed for annual overall sales in 2000 being cut 10% to 426 million. Autumn herbicide use was down 22% on 1999.

“It was very definitely not an insecticide year,” said Mr Savage. Agricultural and horticultural insecticide sales were nearly 16% down.

However, the wet weather favoured disease and meant that fungicide sales were only 1% less than in 1999.

The overall volume of pesticides used in agriculture and horticulture was reduced by nearly 17%, a figure above the recent trend.

Meanwhile, the CPA has launched a simple, single-page, flow diagram to help pesticide users avoid mistakes.

The Crop Protection Decision Triangle has been drawn up after wide consultation with the food industry, says the CPAs Richard Trow-Smith.

The guide takes growers through the initial processes of assessing the crop problem, prevention, observation and intervention.

That leads on to a decision triangle covering technique selection, the safety of operator, public and consumer and the impact on the environment.

In each area chemical aspects, such as harvest interval, are highlighted.


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