Restrictions cant stop FWCgroup expansion

26 October 2001

Restrictions cant stop FWCgroup expansion

FARM Womens Club is going from strength to strength in spite of the absence of meetings for most of this year.

We have a new club in South Yorkshire and hope to be starting a new one in Pembrokeshire soon. If you live in either of these areas please look out for notices of meetings in our column.

One of the newest groups, Stour Valley had a day out recently with Staffordshire FWC for a visit to Shugborough Hall, home of Lord Lichfield. Its a beautiful place to visit giving much inspiration to its visitors from the golden yews and yellow floribunda roses called "Bright Smile" in the garden to the family motto of "Nil Desperandum – Despair of Nothing."

Taking photographs beside the river with my little camera I felt in awe of whos grounds I was in. Just along the river is the longest packhorse bridge in the country which I tried my best to photograph in the pouring rain. I got absolutely soaked but was relieved to get back in my car before the Stour Valley coach went hurtling by – the members would have wondered what I was up to.

It was great to see so many FWC members enjoying a day out or in the words of one – our escape for a day!

Jean Howells

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