Safeway sales riding high

19 June 2000

Safeway sales riding high

SAFEWAY has increased its share of supermarket sales to a new high, despite efforts by competitors to poach its customers, reports .

The chain enjoyed a jump in growth to 10.5% in May – up from 10.1% a month ago — according to figures from market researchers Taylor Nelson Sofres.

Its May 2000 figure was up 0.9% on a year ago.

This was achieved despite rivals Sainsbury and Tesco trying to lure Safeways shoppers after the store decided to scrap its ABC loyalty cards.

They offered Safeway customers special deals and free points if they surrendered their ABC cards.

Tesco and Sainsburys market share for May fell 0.4% on a year ago, standing at 24.4% and 18.4% respectively.

Third placed Asda enjoyed a jump of 1.6% to 16.2% over the same period and Somerfield saw its share slump from 9.5% in May 1999 to 6.9% a year later.

  • The Times 19/06/2000 page 26

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