Set-aside rules eased in virus areas

30 May 2001

Set-aside rules eased in virus areas

By FWi staff

THE Ministry of Agriculture has given the go-ahead for farmers hit by foot-and-mouth restrictions to use their set-aside for grazing.

MAFF has said that land entered into set-aside in 2001 may be grazed for the duration of any movement restrictions, whether in an infected zone or not.

Land may also be used for grazing up to 30 days following the lifting of any restriction.

Ben Gill, National Farmers Union president said: “There was a great deal of uncertainty among farmers about what they could and couldnt do with set-aside land.”

“We are pleased that, regardless of which zone they are in, all farmers will have away of easing the pressure.”

Farmers who want to take advantage of the provisions should contact their Regional Service Centre as soon as possible.

MAFF has promised each case will be dealt with on its merits.

To help farmers further, MAFF has also confirmed that grass, hay and silage originating from set-aside ground can be used in some circumstances as feed.

Hay or silage can be made from set-aside to feed animals held under movement restrictions elsewhere on the holding, where there is no alternative available.

EU rules prevent any payment in cash or kind being made for feed produced under these arrangements.


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