Skilled staff shortfall

8 June 2001

Skilled staff shortfall

By Andy Collings

THE impact of foot-and-mouth disease is adversely affecting the recruitment of staff into agricultural dealerships, reports BAGMA.

A recent survey by Lantra NTO on behalf of BAGMA revealed that 64% of dealers indicated recruitment had been frozen indefinitely.

BAGMA director general Ian Jones says a shortage of skilled technicians will have a long lasting effect at a time when there is a need to continually recruit new staff to service and repair the sophisticated machinery being operated in agriculture.

The survey also indicated that over 45% of dealers have experienced a reduction in sales of over 50% and, to compound the dealers problems 48% expect their sales to drop further during the next six months and 8% anticipate being out of business in 12 months time. And all because of F&M disease, says Mr Jones. &#42

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