Split-dose approach after label changes
Split-dose approach after label changes
LABEL changes mean potato growers can now boost crop desiccation with Reglone (diquat) by splitting applications.
"With the split-dose approach the aim is to open up the crop canopy, using 0.5-1 litre/ha of Reglone," says Zeneca technical manager, Ray Tucker.
"This would then be followed by the main application three to five days later, which can penetrate the canopy better and complete the desiccation process. The technique has proven especially beneficial in dense crops."
Sequential treatments can allow growers to cut the rate of the second spray according to variety and haulm vigour. Unlike acid, Reglone can also be applied using standard farm spray equipment.
Label recommendations now allow two or more treatments to manage the canopy provided the total dose used in a crop does not exceed 4 litres/ha. *