Spraying docks

19 June 2000

Spraying docks

WHAT type of spray can you use to get rid of docks in a clover ley?

  • William James, Poston Court, Peterchurch, Hereford

    AS far as I know there is no specific dock-killer on the market, so the best technique is to exploit the height differential between clover and docks.

    If the infestation is not too bad, spraying with glyphosate using a knapsack sprayer might be manageable or, if the infestation is worse, a tractor-mounted weed wick might do.

    The Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research are looking at management methods to reduce dock in clover for organic systems and have found that frequent cutting keeps them down.

    As the researcher said to me – “You dont find many docks in a lawn, but you do on an abandoned grass verge!”

  • Debbie Beaton, Editor, Crops

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