Sprouting in crops due to weather

31 August 2001

Sprouting in crops due to weather

WEATHER has made winter barley and winter wheat crops sprout for Scott Adam, who farms at Kippen in West Stirlingshire. "Winter barley took about three weeks to get off since 27th July. We’ve had a rotten two or three weeks."

His 6-row varieties, Pastoral and Muscat, yielded 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre), which is below the expected 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre). "There was sprouting and brackling. It was hard to combine." Despite the weather the crop was combined between 15-16% moisture.

Gerald winter oats were also a disappointment, yielding 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre), below the expected 7.5t/ha (3t/acre). "These would have been for milling, but they also sprouted."

He made a start on winter wheat on Wednesday. Malacca was combined at 18% moisture, which he says is good for the area. "Of all the cereals wheat has stuck out the conditions of the wet autumn and winter the best."

He estimates the crop is yielding 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre), which is below average. "It’s a rotten sample. It has sprouted, is black, and looks very weathered. It won’t make milling."

He predicts they are two weeks behind schedule.

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