Still time to sow maize

21 April 2000

Still time to sow maize

ALTHOUGH maize should be starting to go in now, dont panic yet is the message from Maize Growers Association agronomist Simon Draper.

"Some maize has already been drilled on the south coast in the last two weeks, so it is too early to say how it is performing yet. We should know in another 10 days."

But for producers battling with less favourable weather and ground conditions, there is still plenty of time. "Some areas, especially in Notts and Beds have experienced wet weather and ground must be allowed to dry before drilling commences.

"Chisel ploughing may help to remove moisture in these situations. Where land has already been ploughed, it should be lightly cultivated to avoid soil compaction which results in poor growth."

Mr Draper urges producers not to panic until mid-May. &#42

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