Still to start wheat

20 August 2001

Still to start wheat

ROBIN DOWN, speaking from the family farm near Honiton in Devon, has finished combining winter barley and oats and is waiting for the weather to dry out and the combine to be fixed before going into wheat.

Jewel winter barley yielded about 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre). “This was very pleasing and on average. The straw was an excellent yield, with 100 small bales an acre.”

They are also contractors. Barley yields in the area are variable. Straw also seems to be poor, contributed to by the dry June.

Jalna winter oats yielded about 4.2t/ha (1.7t/acre). “This was a fair yield. The crop was muddled in during autumn. The straw was poor, yielding only 50 bales an acre.”

They expect to move into wheat soon. Some Reaper had to be drilled twice after it was flooded. Soil ranges from sand to brash to heavier soil. Most of the crops on the farm are used on site in the livestock unit.

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