20 July 2001


Welsh farm crisis deepens further

The situation was bad for Welsh farmers before F&Mstruck. Now the crisis brings further devastation to the rural community. Four-page Wales Focus…………….page 18

After the storm

Restocking guidelines for farmers, post-F&M, have been published by DEFRA to help producers avoid introducing new diseases…………….page 35

Cash in the pot

There is more than £16m up for grabs in the Pig Ongoers Scheme. But producers seem reluctant to apply for aid under the government scheme……………………page 38

View to a cull

Producers must resist the temptation to soften their ewe culling policies in the aftermath of F&Mbecause of a rise in mastitis and foot problems……………………….page 42

Let em roll

Harvest has started across England and Wales with combines ripping into ripe crops from Cornwall to Cheshire……page 51

Strapped for cash?

Low yields coupled with high growing costs are set to push up borrowings this year. Its important to plan strategy right now……………… 64


Combines are making better progress across Europe, with quality and yield showing some signs of improvement as the harvest moves north………………………page 66

Hedge your bets

Just when you thought that hedge cutter and verge mower design had reached its zenith, along comes another advance………………… 72

Alone together

A positive start with real cash savings and potential to cut cereals establishment time is the verdict on a joint arable merger in Suffolk……………………page 74

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