3 August 2001


Sugar quota trading stirs lots of interest

High levels of interest have been recorded by British Sugar for their one-off quota trading scheme. But the market has yet to find its level as quota brokers register widely varying prices….p20

Flax growers flounder

Embittered flax growers are still struggling to get payment from the ailing Industrial Crop Partnership. The cash was promised by the end of June, but so far has yet to be seen. However, a director reckons farmers will still get paid….p21

NI flocks set for south

Sheep can start moving south across the Northern Irish border next week, after a five-month F&M ban was lifted by the Republic. But Ulster farmers claim that excessive red-tape will make the trade a time-consuming process……p22

Tough times in Yorks

Times are tough at Cansdale, our adopted Yorks farm. A valuable pea contract has been lost, hitting income, and PMWS is still affecting the pig operation. Broiler profits are also down after feeding problems……..p23

Damage limitation

Careful management helped limit the damage to the arable business at farmers weeklys Easton Lodge last year. Variable costs are proving hard to alter, but fixed costs are falling….p24

20,000gns video star

A top price of 20,000gns was achieved at a video sale of Suffolk ram lambs, the first big money pedigree auction since the start of F&M. Entries were restricted to Scottish flocks and 50 animals averaged 2297gns…………………………p29

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